Announcements and Circulars Date Title Toggle navigation Announcements and Circulars Order By Create Date Title Publish Date Asc Asc Desc 02/03/2023 Monthly Return for Equity Issuer and Hong Kong Depositary Receipts listed under Chapter 19B of the Exchange Listing Rules on Movements in Securities For the month ended 28 February 2023 20/03/2023 DATE OF BOARD MEETING 21/03/2023 PROFIT WARNING 30/03/2023 ANNOUNCEMENT OF FINAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 04/04/2023 Monthly Return for Equity Issuer and Hong Kong Depositary Receipts listed under Chapter 19B of the Exchange Listing Rules on Movements in Securities For the month ended 31 March 2023 27/04/2023 PROPOSALS FOR GENERAL MANDATES TO ISSUE SHARES AND REPURCHASE SHARES; RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTORS AND NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 27/04/2023 FORM OF PROXY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 27/04/2023 NOTICE OF 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 27/04/2023 Notification Letter and Request Form for Non-registered Holders 03/05/2023 Monthly Return for Equity Issuer and Hong Kong Depositary Receipts listed under Chapter 19B of the Exchange Listing Rules on Movements in Securities For the month ended 30 April 2023 ◄12...2627282930...3233►